On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 7:17 PM, 白石俊平 <shumpei.shirai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm implementing the HTML5 Web Storage using Gears
> (http://code.google.com/p/gear5/), so I have several questions with
> the spec.
> -Storage.setItem(key, val)
> --is key allowed non-string type object?

Yes, but...

--and when pass non-string object to key/value, is it automatically
> converted to string?(I'm considering to convert to use String
> constructor - String(key) )


> --when value is null, should `setItem("key", null)` behave as like as
> `removeItem("key")`? (localStorage.setItem("key", null);
> alert(localStorage.length); <-- what is value displayed?)

No, it's not the same as removeItem.  It'll be set to 'null'.

Check out Safari 4's implementation if you'd like to see the correct
behavior for all of these cases.  I've been spending a lot of time with it,
and it matches the spec in every case I've tried.  (And I've tried a
lot...I'm working on it for Chromium.)  :-)


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