On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Michael Kozakewich wrote:
> How many applications do we expect any one user to have open? I would
> imagine one would do fine on the Taskbar or in the Notification Area,
> like other programs, but a manager would be good if a user had a great
> deal of applications running at once.

Realistically speaking, users will soon have many applications open if we
make this available: Flickr, Mail, Calendar, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter,
BBC News, their Bank, Google Voice, ... I would expect hundreds of sites
to make use of such a feature.

I have to say, I get confused by statements like this. If there are hundreds
of sites that would find the feature useful, it sounds like a useful feature
to have, one that fits in better with the way application writers understand
to write applications. The perspectives I've heard in this thread basically
say that 5 years from now, applications should be written such that there's
a server in the browser, at which point I have to wonder why don't we go
back to getting all the markup from the server and injecting it into the


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