On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

> > Additionally, any server-side-feed-based solution has the implication
> > that it won't work for offline apps. If I am using a web calendar, I
> > want my event notifications regardless of whether I'm online or offline
> > (the event may have been added while I'm offline and never synced to the
> > server at all).
> I think on the long term we may wish to consider adding a feature to queue
> up POSTs for when the UA finds it is back online. That would address a
> number of problems, including this one.

It seems like conflict resolution will be more difficult when it can only
happen at the server side.  In addition, it seems like there'd be more
efficient means of syncing rather than many small messages.  We don't have
to talk about this now since there isn't even a proposal yet, but I'm
doubtful this will be a good solution to the problem.

> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 8:58 PM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:
>  > >
> > > I'm not sure XMPP is the protocol I would jump to, but it's certainly
> > > an option, yes.
> >
> > What don't you like about XMPP?
> It's far too complex for people to write and deploy an XMPP server on a
> whim. Like HTTP, it requires people to use off-the-shelf software instead
> of allowing them to experiment with their own code. This leads to software
> monocultures, and prevents easy experimentation.

I guess we'll see how the WebSocket protocol works out.  I definitely see
both pros and cons to this approach.

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