On 29/09/2009 20:08, Dean Edwards wrote:

You have two choices to get around the <dd> rendering bug:

1. The potentially dangerous document.write()

On 29/09/2009 18:10, Dean Edwards wrote:

There is a nasty side effect though. As you mentioned the
document.write() should be the last thing in the <head>. If there
are any scripts following the document.write() then they are *not
executed*. I consider this a serious drawback.

2. Inserting weird conditional comments into your code:

</head> <!--[if lt IE 8]><object><!<![endif]--> <body>

I don't like either solution.

On 29/09/2009 21:55, Keryx Web wrote:
2009-09-29 21:53, Dean Edwards wrote:

Can't we just invent some new elements? We've already created 20
new ones. Two more won't hurt. :)

This has been discussed on the HTML5 WG list to death.

Can we revisit this? It seems to important to sweep under the carpet.


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