>> That said, we didn't implement clearState when we did
>> push/replaceState because it's hard to get right and we don't
>> currently have a compelling use case.  There are probably lots of
>> things we'd change if we were going to implement it -- for instance,
>> why go back to the last entry instead of staying at the current one?
>> But that's probably a conversation for another thread.
> Since the spec is in last call for comments and we have yet to see a single 
> implementation of this, I'd like to keep focusing on it till we have it 
> worked out...  ;)

My recommendation would be to take clearState out of the spec unless
someone can come up with compelling use cases.

It's really hard to ensure that the details of clearState works for
the intended use cases if we don't know what those use cases are. Thus
we can debate a very long time what the correct behavior is without
actually having a way to verify the various opinions.

/ Jonas

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