On October 14th, Hixie wrote:
As far as I can see the options are as follows:

1. Drop support for <details> and <figure> for now, revisit it later.

2. Use <legend>, and don't expect to be able to use it in any browsers
   sanely for a few years.

3. Use <dt>/<dd>, and don't expect to be able to use it in old versions of IE without rather complicated and elaborate hacks for a few years.

4. Invent a new element with a weird name (since all the good names are
   taken already), and don't expect to be able to use it in IE without
   hacks for a few years.

I am not convinced of the wisdom of #4. I prefer #2 long term, but I see
the argument for #3.

It looks like the workaround for #3 isn't quite as arduous as it first appeared:


Wrapping the <details> or <figure> element in a <div> seems to fix IE's parsing. It's still not ideal but it's much better than the conditional comment <object> hackery.

(and again, this only relates to versions of IE before IE8)

So, on balance, #3 is looking more reasonable than #2 (which fails in a lot more browsers).


Jeremy Keith

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