Currently the W3C Device API WG is working on a Capture API which will include 
microphone capture and audio streaming capabilities. The current draft is at:

It is pretty rough and still in working progress, so for instance streaming is 
not there.

Dzung Tran

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Ian McGraw 
<<>> wrote:
> I'm new to this list, but as a speech-scientist and web developer, I wanted
> to add my 2 cents. ?Personally, I believe the future of speech recognition
> is in the cloud.
> Here are two services which provide Javascript APIs for speech recognition
> (and TTS) today:
> Both of these are research systems, and as such they are really just
> proof-of-concepts.
> That said, Wami's JSONP-like implementation allows to use speech
> recognition today on a relatively large scale, with just a few lines of
> Javascript code:
> Since there are a lot of Google folks on this list, I recommend you talk to
> Alex Gruenstein (in your speech group) who was one of the lead developers of
> WAMI while at MIT.
> The major limitation we found when building the system was that we had to
> develop a new audio controller for every client (Java for the desktop,
> custom browsers for iPhone and Android). ?It would have been much simpler if
> browsers came with standard microphone capture and audio streaming
> capabilities.
> -Ian

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