On 2/11/10 9:07 AM, Mathias Schäfer wrote:
But if there’s a script after the stylesheet, DOMContentLoaded always
fires after the stylesheet has been loaded. The explanation I’ve found
is that the parser waits for the stylesheet to load before subsequent
scripts are executed.


step 8 the cases that talk about "a style sheet blocking scripts"
specify this.

Thanks for the hint. AFAICS only the third case talks about “a style
sheet blocking scripts”. But this case only deals with “parser-inserted”
inline scripts.

Ah, indeed. For non-inline scripts the relevant part is step 2 under the "If the load was successful" part in http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/scripting-1.html#executing-a-script-block

The question is: Is a normal external script “parser-inserted” or not?


I assume the flag to be false, since that’s the default value and I
found “parser-inserted” to be true for XML parsing only
(#parsing-xhtml-documents). Correct?

No. The HTML parser state machine sets that flag in various cases. For example, http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#parsing-main-inhead under 'A start tag whose tag name is "script"'.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="...">
<script src="..."></script>

... and I would like to step through the parsing algorithm. This is my
understanding so far:

4. We’ve reached step 8 which you’ve mentioned above. I assume the
fourth case is true (“If the element has a src attribute”), since the
script is not “parser-inserted”.

The script is in fact parser-inserted, but you still land in the fourth case, I think.

9. “Pause until either any applicable style sheets have been fetched and
applied, or the user agent has timed out and decided to not wait for
those style sheets.” (step 2)

-->  I guess *this* is where the waiting happens, right?


That means, inline script execution should also wait for stylesheets to
load. Am I right in this reading?



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