On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 05:16:43PM +0100, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> >You don't.  The canvas is just a bitmap; it has no attached metadata.
> >
> >This could be changed, but various things would need to be defined about  
> >what happens when multiple images are drawn in, when images are drawn on  
> >top of other things in the canvas, when stuff is drawn on top of images  
> >in the canvas, etc.

Very true. Doesn't look right to expect EXIF out of a canvas.

> Seems easier to take care of this by allowing extraction of metadata (some  
> W3C WG is working on this I think) and maybe a way to put it back in...

That would be very welcome, the Blob type doesn't even seem to have a
way to iterate or modify the contents, which would be required if we
were to manually scan the original metadata and move it to the resized
Stéphane Epardaud

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