On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:38 PM, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20 May 2010 00:34, Nils Dagsson Moskopp
> <nils-dagsson-mosk...@dieweltistgarnichtso.net> wrote:
> > James Salsman <jsals...@talknicer.com> schrieb am Wed, 19 May 2010
> > 14:58:38 -0700:
> >> > Container will be .webm, a modified version of Matroshka. Audio is
> >> > Ogg Vorbis.
> > You mean Vorbis. </pedantic> ;)
> *cough*
> x264 don't think much of VP8, they think it's just not ready:
> http://x264dev.multimedia.cx/?p=377
> OTOH, that may not end up mattering.
> - d.

Given that the main reason against Theora was the fact that hardware devices
supported baseline profile H.264 (which looks terrible compared to the other
profiles), I think VP8 may be fine. VP8 already has hardware decoder chip
support, so that isn't an issue. Patents aren't an issue, since Google has
dealt with that.

Nevertheless, Firefox already has support for it in the trunk, Opera
released a labs build that adds a GStreamer plugin for WebM to their builds,
and Chrome trunk added support for it.

Adobe announced support for VP8 in a future version of Flash, and probably
Silverlight will have it too. Whether they'll include complete WebM support
is unknown, though.

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