On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:
> Are there examples of sites working around the lack of this feature on the
> Web today, e.g. using Flash or some such?

Nordic banking sites use java for authorization, that's just for pins
(imo it's stupid).

comes to mind as a general concern.

Note that if a browser wants to handle <input type="file"
accept="image/svg+xml"> by letting the user paint using an input
method, the browser is free to do that today.

Similarly, a web page could actually provide its own Ink
implementation and use <input type="hidden"> to encode a signature
today. If implementations spring up like mushrooms, we could revisit
supporting it. Until then adding extra required file format support to
web browsers seems onerous

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