Am 11.08.2010 00:24 schrieb Ian Hickson:
On Mon, 5 Jul 2010, Markus Ernst wrote:
Example: (This is under construction.) As a workaround to the height problem, I applied a script that adjusts the iframe height to the available height in the browser window. But of course the user experience would be more consistent if the page could behave like a single page, with only one scrollbar at the right of the browser window.

If you control both pages and can't use seamless, you can use postMessage() to negotiate a size. On the long term, I expect we'll make seamless work with CORS somehow. I'm waiting until we properly understand how CORS is used in the wild before adding it all over the place in HTML.

A solution at authoring level for cases where the author controls both pages would be quite helpful. I think of a meta element in the embedded document that specifies one or more domains that are allowed to embed it seamlessly in an iframe, such as e.g.:
<meta name="allow-seamless-embedding" name="domain.tld, otherdomain.tld">

I think that this would be ok from a security POV, and much easier than using CORS.

On Tue, 6 Jul 2010, Markus Ernst wrote:
My problem is this sentence in the spec for seamless: "This will cause links to open in the parent browsing context."

In an application like, the external page should be able to re-call itself inside the iframe, for example if a sort link is clicked or a search form submitted.

On Tue, 6 Jul 2010, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
Could you explicitly call the _self target in links in the frame? I wasn't sure if the target attribute was going or not, but I'd expect target="_self" to override the default seamless action.

Good point. Fixed. You can now work around this by targetting the frame explicitly using <base target=_self>. (Or by using target=foo if the iframe has name=foo.)


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