On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@iki.fi> wrote:
> In practice, live streaming works with HTTP and either Ogg or WebM in at 
> least Firefox
> and Opera (maybe Chromium, too), since Ogg and WebM don't require the length 
> of the
> video to be known in advance.

I run a HTML5 streaming business. I use icecast to send Ogg with
Theora+Vorbis. It works splendidly in Opera and Firefox. Chromium has
some problems because they use ffmpeg which is not always that good
when decoding Theora, but if I use the old, bad versions of Theora, it
also works in Chromium (and thus Chrome).

Then, I use Cortado for showing the video in Internet Explorer, --
right now I just use a normal embed, although it would be nice to have
the Cortado work as a html5-dropin and if I could use the same
javascript interface. But Cortado actually works exceptionally well,
it works better than Firefox (which has some problems, it drops out on
the connection some times, and isn't as fast/quick as Opera and

So live video streaming is very possible with HTML5; however, it will
be greatly helped by the new startOffsetTime attribute, which will
make it easier to sync stuff to the live stream in browser. (Think,
saying "NOW!" on the live video, and having the background change from
blue to red at just the same time, or more realistic; syncing
presentation slides shown as img-tags to the video).

WEBM-streaming is done with Fluendo streaming server, AFAIK. However,
I will wait, because much of my tool chain is Ogg-tools, and they work
remarkably well and are stable.

And Theora is just getting better and better ;-) Also, it doesn't need
a new CPU to encode.

Beste helsing,
Odin Hørthe Omdal <odin.om...@gmail.com>

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