Hi I have found something really frustrating with the specs. to show that I
at least read the blog about proposing features here is the questions and

*What is the problem you are trying to solve?*
To create sophisticated single file webpages.
*What is the feature you are suggesting to help solve it?*
Some sort of inline Web Worker. Using Data URL is what i have in mind or by
creating a class.
*What is the processing model for that feature, including error handling?
This should be very clear, including things such as event timing if the
feature involves events, how to create graphs representing the data in the
case of semantic proposals, etc.*
Well the same as for other URLs, except that it inherit its location
information from its creator.
*Why do you think browsers would implement this feature?*
To make standalone local webpages easier to be used by users. And in some
cases faster dl of large pages.
*Why do you think authors would use this feature?*
Webpages are more then just information, its programs. Programs in one file
is easier to have. And also for testing quick things, inline is a Bliss.
*What evidence is there that this feature is desparately needed?*
I only have my own, trying to build a more optimal standalone DAISY player
(would be nice if i could rewrite it with web workers). And that google
gears seems to support it.

So is this a totally bad idea?

//Samuel Ytterbrink

p.s. hope i posted it in the correct Mailing list. and that my spelling
isn't that bad.

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