My apologies, I realized that there might be a modification needed to the HTML5 design of registerProtocolHandler, in that URN and XRI are better designed to work, in many cases, with registration to a specific namespace. For example, one application might only wish to handle urn:earthquakes or xri: which hopefully registerProtocolHandler could be expanded to allow such specification without interfering with other URN/XRI protocol handlers which attempted to handle a different namespace.


On 11/26/2010 12:20 PM, Brett Zamir wrote:
I'd like to propose reserving two protocols for use with navigator.registerProtocolHandler: "urn" and "xri" (or possibly xriNN where NN is a version number).

See for info on XRI (basically allows the equivalents of URN but with a user-defined namespace and without needing ICANN/IANA approval). Although it was rejected earlier, I don't see that there is any other way for sites to create their own categorization or other behavior mechanisms in a way which is well-namespaced, does not rely on waiting for official approval, and has the benefits of working with the HTML5 specification as already designed.

URN is something which I think also deserves to be reserved, if not all IANA protocols.

As I see it, the only way for a site to innovate safely in avoiding conflicts for non-IANA protocols is to use XRI (assuming especially if it can be officially reserved).

And all of this would be enhanced, in my view, if my earlier proposal for defaultURIs and alternateURIs attributes on <a/> could be accepted as well: in that it makes it much more likely that people would actually use any of these protocols.

thank you,

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