Would something like this tie in to the <device> work that's being done

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adam Malcontenti-Wilson <adman....@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 6:21 AM
Subject: [chromium-html5] File API Streaming Blobs
To: Chromium HTML5 <chromium-ht...@chromium.org>

I'm trying to make an application which will download media files from
a server and cache them locally, as well as playing them back but I'm
trying to figure out how I could do so without making the user wait
for the entire file to be downloaded, converted to a blob, then

For example, suppose that I create a new BlobBuilder, append "hello",
get the Blob, and then create an object url from that blob, and then
open the object url. Any other text that I append to the BlobBuilder
would not go into the old blob that I created a url for, and hence not
shown making "streaming" impossible.

Is there any other methods in the spec(s) to implement such

If not, perhaps there needs to be yet another object to have a way of
creating a "StreamingBlob" that doesn't "close" the virtual connection
to the browser until a close method is called, thereby facilitating


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