On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Nicholas Zakas <nza...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> I don't think readyState as Kyle describes is an appropriate candidate 
> mechanism because it's not an actual indicator that the functionality exists. 
> The only thing you can really be sure of if readyState is "uninitialized" is 
> that the script element supports readyState. The fact the only browser 
> supporting this presently is the same one that supports the desired behavior 
> is a happy coincidence. There's nothing about the presence of readyState in 
> general or the particular value that gives any explicit indication that 
> adding the script node will result in a particular download/execute behavior. 
> You may as well test another well-known IE property like (typeof 
> ActiveXObject == "object").
> The thing I like about my proposal (with of course, the obvious bias that it 
> is my proposal), is that it's easy and unconfusing to determine if the 
> browser supports delayed execution by testing for the presence of 
> script.execute.
> Even if my solution isn't the best one, I do believe the best one needs to 
> follow this model of explicit feature detection.

I agree. I don't think that the readyState mechanism is particularly
simpler. Another nice thing about the noexecute design is that it is
purely opt-in, which means that you don't risk poor on already
existing pages.

/ Jonas

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