Mighty conjecture, chap. Multithreading is even possible on
microcontrollers like the Atmel ATmega32 ? so why should a modern
operating system running on reasonable hardware not be able to do it?

In most mobile devices I've had the exposure to developing for, multi-threading is not possible/available to me. The usual answer, for instance for the iPhone, is that true multi-threading will tend to cause serious drains on limited battery life, which degrades quality of user-experience and user satisfaction. That's the only "anecdotal" evidence that I have for how these engines may not be completely free to multi-thread as is being suggested.

In any case, you're still missing the point. The mobile OS's (and even the JavaScript engines) are of course free to improve their internal implementation details, but this HTML spec has only a slight modest ability to affect that. The hardware/mobile-OS vendors have dozens of different pressures that play into what they can and cannot implement, and how. Even if the HTML spec were to say "must process script execution in a separate thread from the rendering engine", the feasibility of that requirement may still be overshadowed by lots of factors completely out of the control of the specification group.

We can continue to debate what might be nice for mobile vendors to consider, but they aren't on this list and listening to us. Who IS on this list, and who IS interested, are developers who have real performance problems right now. And they are creating ever more complex hacks to get around these problems. And the spec has an opportunity to make a small foot-print change to give them some better options for that performance negotiation.

You're also ignoring the fact that there are several other documented use-cases for execution-deferral that are not related to mobile (or multi-threading) at all. That maybe the 80% use-case for this proposal, but it's certainly not the only reason we want and need a feature like this.

Fun fact: I use mobile versions of some web sites, because they are much
quicker, even on the desktop. Sometimes a little minimalism can go a
long way.

We're not particularly talking about generalized web sites as much as we are talking about complex mobile web applications like Gmail. Even in their minimalism, the bare minimum experience they're willing to deliver is overloading the mobile browser and so they are resorting to crazy and brittle hacks.

In my opinion, when we see a trend toward developers having to hack around certain parts of the functionality that don't work the way they need it to (for real-world use-cases), then it's a good sign that we should consider helping them out. And suggesting that they just load less JavaScript is not really all that helpful for the population of applications that are most in need of this feature.

Counter-intuitive at first, but true: More complex code is not
necessarly faster code. More options are more options to screw up.

We have a number of well-known and well-documented experts in the realm of page-load optimization and script loading functionality who are behind requests like is being discussed. If we can't trust them to do correctly with what we give them, then the whole system is broken and moot. The fact that some developers may misunderstand and improperly use some functionality should not prevent us from considering its usefulness to those who clearly know the right things to accomplish with it.

It also hasn't been shown with any degree of specificity just what the fear is of developers "screwing up" if we give them this functionality. Right now it's a bunch of conjecture about possible misunderstandings, something which should be easy to deal with through proper documentation, education, and evangelism. Why are we so afraid to let the right implementations of a functionality flourish and bubble to the top, and drown out the wrong implementations of functionality by those are are either ignorant or incompetent?

I'm losing track in the noise of what the fundamental disagreements are--if
there even are any.  I think the original proposal is a very good place to

The original proposal is in fact more focused on the markup-driven use-case than on the script-driven use-case. The original proposer, Nicholas, agreed in an earlier message that he's really more concerned with script-driven functionality than markup driven functionality. And I completely agree with that assertion.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the use-case for separating script loading from its parsing/execution phase (and thus being able to control/trigger when that phase occurs, later) is 99% driven by the script-loaders use-case. Script loaders by and large do not use markup semantics to accomplish their tasks (because most of them do not use document.write("<script...."); to load scripts)

So, if we consider the spirit of the original proposal, we should examine it in the proper context (the vast majority use-case), which is script elements being created from script logic rather than markup.

Given that proper context, the proposal becomes something like:

1. Give a dynamic script element a "noExecute" property (a boolean property, defaults to false, can be set to true) 2. Give a dynamic script element an "execute()" function which executes a script that has been "deferred" by the "noExecute" property.

The problem with *that* phrasing of the proposal (compared to the "readyState" preoloading I'm advocating) is:

1. It asks for two new unprecedented additions to the script element specification. The other proposal asks to take the existing spec wording and change it from a "may" to a "must" (from suggestion to requirement).

2. It has no existing browser support. The "readyState" proposal also suggests we take the precedent of "readyState" property and the associated "onreadystatechange" handler, from say XHR, and apply it to script elements, something which one browser vendor (IE) has already done, and at least one other browser vendor has said they could/would do (Opera).

In other words, the "readyState" proposal tries to address the needs of the use-case using existing precedent and existing spec content as much as possible, AND it has already some browser vendor support. "noExecute" has neither of those two things, and so has a tougher uphill battle to winning adoption.

- Just for comparison: <script src="path.js" noexecute

Several times that code snippet has been suggested in this thread, and each time a fundamental problem is being overlooked. The way the "onload" event CURRENTLY works is that it doesn't fire until after a script has finished executing. There's no way we can change the semantics of "onload" now to be run before the script executes (like when it actually finishes loading), even though that clearly would be the more semantic way for that event to work.

As stated there, `onload="this.execute()"` will never execute because of chicken-and-the-egg.

So, we'd actually be forced to add yet another event/property to the script element (either in markup or in script) that was called "onfinishloading" or "onloaded" (probably confusing alongside "onload") or something like that. And *that* is conceptually pretty similar to my proposal for utilizing the precedent of the "readyState" event progression, which has a "loaded" event in it.

The link tag is meant to support a "prefetch" value for the "rel" attribute asking to preemptively cache the resource:
- http://blog.whatwg.org/the-road-to-html-5-link-relations#rel-prefetch
- http://davidwalsh.name/html5-prefetch

For <link rel=prefetch> to address the use-case, some event mechanism would HAVE to be added to the <link> tag such that the finishing of that "prefetching" could be detected. But then what do we do once it's finished loading, even if we *do* add some <link> event mechanism to detect it?

.execute() would be a terrible idea for <link>, because it would essentially morph <link> into a <script> element at that point. Not only is this significantly more confusing to web authors for that type of behavioral overloading, but I'd guess that all the complicated semantics around the <script> element would then have to be duplicated into a <link> tag that is being executed.

It's tempting to suggest that you would then just add a proper <script> element with the same URL to accomplish the "execution" of it. This suffers a similar fate to many of the hacky workarounds that currently exist: that it's based on the assumption that the resource was cached.

Lots of resources are loaded/executed and never cached (either on purpose, or by fault of improper headers). So, this "cache preloading" technique, however we try to enable it, will always be flawed by that assumption, an assumption which if it fails, causes a very costly double-load of the resource.

Two other problems with this <link rel=prefetch> idea:
1. The current spec wording around <link rel=prefetch> is clearly that that its just a "hint" to the browser that it should fetch that resource at some point in the future. The use-case calls for a decisive/determinate mechanism (like the existing script element) whereby the author can express "I need you (browser) to load this as soon as possible" as opposed to the semantics of <link rel=prefetch> which are more like "I think it would be a good idea, if you get some time, to load this resource, but only if you feel like you should, at some undetermined time in the future."

For <link rel=prefetch> to be useful to the use-case, it would need to have that spec wording changed to be a lot more direct about the resource needing to be loaded with a much higher priority on the "now" of it. Of course, no load is guaranteed to start right away, but there's an important difference between "please load asap" and "you can load whenever you feel like it".

2. The majority use-case is, as stated above, for script loaders (in script logic) to be able to "preload"/"prefetch" script elements. AFAIK, <link rel=prefetch> isn't defined for script-inserted <link> elements, and it certainly (upon testing) isn't supported well in browsers. Clearly, <link rel=prefetch> is much more tuned to the vast minority use-case, of markup-driven loading.

Even if we did force that <link rel=prefetch> be functional from script-driven code, it would look a WHOLE LOT like what the "readyState preloading" proposal already looks like, except it'd be more confusing because it'd involve two different elements instead of just one.


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