On 2/23/11, Martin Stender <mar...@stender.com> wrote:
> So it would be great to have the ability to just insert a <banner>-tag,
> knowing that whatever goes on in side that tag, cannot alter the page
> itself.
> You should be able to grant the tag access to read various values of the
> surrounding page,  though.
> Also, the possibility to postpone execution of the banner-tags content
> including scripts (until everything else has loaded) would also be highly
> useful, as we sometimes experience high load times due to banners.
That would be very useful, indeed. I think a @rel value would be more
appropriate, as a counterpart to @rel=prefetch. How about
@rel=postfetch? Open to English-compatiple suggestions.

> The ever-present issue of accessibility / semantics would also gain from
> this, as robots and screen-readers should/could just skip the tag
> altogether.
> So something like this:
> <banner deferred="deferred" pageaccess="read | write | both | none"> [here
> goes whatever your ad-manager system needs] </banner>
> What do you think?
That you're thinking about <sandbox>.

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