
Currently, the specs say that select(), selectionStart, selectionEnd and
setSelectionRange() only apply to the input element when the type is
text, search, url, telephone or password. Obviously, they should also
apply when type is email [1].
But, I'm wondering what should be done for types that should come with a
widget like date, datetime, datetime-local, time, week, month, number,
range or color. The resulting widget might have a text field. That's
even very likely for all time-related and number types. Should those IDL
attribute and methods apply in that case and be used on the text field?
or should we just ignore them? Or maybe, we could have them apply
depending on the UA's widget and not raise an exception when they do not
apply [2] and do nothing instead?

[1] See http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12262
[2] Actually, that's another issue but I wonder why we raise an exception...


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