Nicola Di Fabrizio wrote:

is it possible to set a attribute for checking the element
if it is not empty

Yes, there's the attribute required, see

<input type="text" needed="yes">

Like <input type="text" required>.

No value is needed, it's a "boolean" attribute (somewhat misleading, but this name is justified by the logic that the _presence_ or absence of the attribute in markup implies a boolean value - true or false - for the IDL attribute, a property of the object).

if needed = yes and the element has no value
then appears a msgbox like
"Please input something..."

Something like that, though this has been implemented in a few browsers only, e.g. Opera.

or the msgbox text is also an attribute
where you can put in your own message.

Well not in markup, but HTML5 specifies the setCustomValidity() method for input fields; so you can set your own message using JavaScript.


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