W dniu 5 kwietnia 2011 13:03 użytkownik Rafał Miłecki
<zaj...@gmail.com> napisał:
> Hello,
> There is part of the spec that do not see too obvious for me. Could
> you help me with that?
> says:
>> The popstate event is fired in certain cases when navigating to a session 
>> history entry.
> Where can I find definition of that "certain cases"?
> Google Chrome 10 seems to fire popstate even if I open totally new page.
> Firefox 4 seems to fire event only on going back/forward
> MDC says [1] event should be fired on *every* change of active history entry
> [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.onpopstate
> ("A popstate event is dispatched to the window every time the active
> history entry changes.")
> Which version is correct then?

Ping? :|


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