On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Mark Watson <wats...@netflix.com> wrote:
>>> The TrackList object has an onchanged event, which I assumed would fire when
>>> any of the information in the TrackList changes (e.g. tracks added or
>>> removed). But actually the spec doesn't state when this event fires (as far
>>> as I could tell - unless it is implied by some general definition of events
>>> called onchanged).
>>> Should there be some clarification here ?
>> I understood that to relate to a change of cues only, since it is on
>> the tracklist. I.e. it's an aggregate event from the oncuechange event
>> of a cue inside the track. I didn't think it would relate to a change
>> of existence of that track.
>> Note that the even is attached to the TrackList, not the TrackList[],
>> so it cannot be raised when a track is added or removed, only when
>> something inside the TrackList changes.
> Are we talking about the same thing ? There is no TrackList array and
> TrackList is only used for audio/video, not text, so I don't understand the
> comment about cues.
> I'm talking
> about http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-iframe-element.html#tracklist which
> is the base class for MultipleTrackList and ExclusiveTrackList used to
> represent all the audio and video tracks (respectively). One instance of the
> object represents all the tracks, so I would assume that a change in the
> number of tracks is a change to this object.

Ah yes, you're right: I got confused.

It says "Whenever the selected track is changed, the user agent must
queue a task to fire a simple event named change at the
MultipleTrackList object." This means it fires when the selectedIndex
is changed, i.e. the user chooses a different track for rendering. I
still don't think it relates to changes in the composition of tracks
of a resource. That should be something different and should probably
be on the MediaElement and not on the track list to also cover changes
in text tracks.

>>> Also, as Eric (C) pointed out, one of the things which can change is which
>>> of several available versions of the content is being rendered (for adaptive
>>> bitrate cases). This doesn't necessarily change any of the metadata
>>> currently exposed on the video element, but nevertheless it's information
>>> that the application may need. It would be nice to expose some kind of
>>> identifier for the currently rendered stream and have an event when this
>>> changes. I think that a stream-format-supplied identifier would be
>>> sufficient.
>> I don't know about the adaptive streaming situation. I think that is
>> more about statistics/metrics rather than about change of resource.
>> All the alternatives in an adaptive streaming "resource" should
>> provide the same number of tracks and the same video dimensions, just
>> at different bitrate/quality, no?
> I think of the different adaptive versions on a per-track basis (i.e. the
> alternatives are *within* each track), not a bunch of alternatives each of
> which contains several tracks. Both are possible, of course.
> It's certainly possible (indeed common) for different bitrate video
> encodings to have different resolutions - there are video encoding reasons
> to do this. Of course the aspect ratio should not change and nor should the
> dimensions on the screen (both would be a little peculiar for the user).
> Now, the videoWidth and videoHeight attributes of HTMLVideoElement are not
> the same as the resolution (for a start, they are in CSS pixels, which are
> square), but I think it quite likely that if the resolution of the video
> changes than the videoWidth and videoHeight might change. I'd be interested
> to hear how existing implementations relate resolution to videoWidth and
> videoHeight.

Well, if videoWidth and videoHeight change and no dimensions on the
video are provided through CSS, then surely the video will change size
and the display will shrink. That would be a terrible user experience.
For that reason I would suggest that such a change not be made in
alternative adaptive streams.

>> Different video dimensions should be
>> provided through the <source> element and @media attribute, but within
>> an adaptive stream, the alternatives should be consistent because the
>> target device won't change. I guess this is a discussion for another
>> thread... :-)
> Possibly ;-) The device knows much better than the page author what
> capabilities it has and so what resolutions are suitable for the device. So
> it is better to provide all the alternatives as a single resource and have
> the device work out which subset it can support. Or at least, the list
> should be provided all at the same level - there is no rationale for a
> hierarchy of alternatives.

The way in which HTML deals with different devices and their different
capabilities is through media queries. As a author you provide your
content with different versions of media-dependent style sheets and
content, so that when you view the page with a different device, the
capabilities of the device select the right style sheet and content
for display on that device. Opera has an example on how to use this
(search for "Media Query").

I believe that this mechanism should also work for adaptive streaming,
such that you provide multiple alternative media resources through the
<source> element, each of which has a @media attribute that says what
device capabilities that particular resource is adequate for. Except
that the "media resource" provides alternative bitrate files for that
case. I do not see a need to move this functionality into the adaptive
streaming file.

Nice to get started on this discussion about adaptive streaming. ;-)


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