Is there a way we can make these consistent somehow? Maybe move document.documentURI to Web Applications 1.0? With createHTMLDocument() I get these results:

        document.URL         document.documentURI
Gecko   "about:blank"        "about:blank"
Chrome  ""                   null
Opera   script document URL  null
Safari  ""                   null

Only Opera seems to conform here for document.URL which I think means the specification should change. I kind of prefer what Gecko is doing here. Not having the strange null-ability of attributes that take URLs and simply (with apologies to hsivonen) use about:blank.

I also found that both Opera and Gecko throw for setting document.documentURI. Maybe we should take that opportunity and make it readonly (or nuke it entirely, if that is feasible).

For DOM Core this is

Anne van Kesteren

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