On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 04:09:40 +0530, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

Another question is flash. As far as I have seen, there seems to be no
option to specify whether the camera needs to use flash or not. Is this
decision left up to the device? (If someone is making an app which is
just clicking a picture of the person, then it would be nice to have the
camera use flash in low light conditions).
getUserMedia() returns a video stream, so it wouldn't use a flash.

Wouldn't it make sense to have a provision for flash separately then? I think a lot of apps would like just a picture instead of video, and in those cases, flash would be required. Maybe a seperate provision in the spec which defines whether to use flash, and if so, for how many miliseconds. Is that doable?
Shwetank Dixit
Web Evangelist,
Site Compatibility / Developer Relations / Core Engineering Group
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