On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 5:26 PM, Aryeh Gregor <simetrical+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone reviewing the spec should be advised that I put extensive
> rationale in HTML comments.  If you want to know why the spec says
> what it does, check the HTML source.  I plan to change this to use
> <details> or such in the near future.

Since the comments were relatively hard to spot, I've rewritten them
to be visible as you read the spec.  There are now tons of "Comments"
buttons floated to the right, which contain lots of rationale and
other commentary.  Some are pretty terse and are reminders to me as
much as anything, others are detailed explanations of the reasons
behind various decisions (some inordinately long, with the "toggle
lists" one being the most egregious).  I probably introduced some
editorial mistakes in the course of converting the comments, but they
should be extremely helpful for review.

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