Thanks for the spec changes, startDate is now in a state where I'd be happy to implement it! More comments inline:

On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 02:21:43 +0200, Ian Hickson <> wrote:

On Fri, 9 Mar 2012, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
On Thu, 08 Mar 2012 19:16:40 +0100, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Mar 2012, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

I really don't know what startOffsetTime is intended for. AFAICT it's a
piece of metadata that you could just as well provide out-of-band, but
for convenience it is exposed via the DOM API. I think it could be handy
to have and would like to implement it, but I don't understand if it's
any different from other metadata like producer or location of a video.

The startOffsetTime is useful for controllers who want to display a
controller with real times, e.g. like TiVo's DVR UI, even when the
underlying media resource has some more or less arbitrary timeline.

e.g. if a TV station starts broadcasting on some Friday at 2pm, that would
be its zero time for its timeline, but eight months later, a user joining
that stream doesn't care that the stream is 21 megaseconds old -- they
just want to see 14:20 as the time that corresponds to what was streaming
at 2:20pm.

This makes sense, and the new spec example makes it clearer.

It could also do with a good example. The spec says:

"If the media resource specifies an explicit start time and date, then
that time and date should be considered the zero point in the media
timeline; the timeline offset will be the time and date, exposed using
the startOffsetTime attribute."

I interpret this as a date at currentTime=0 in the spec's definition of


and currentTime=-initialTime (unless media fragments are used) in the
Opera/Firefox definition of currentTime.

Not sure what this means.

In current Opera and Firefox the timeline is always normalized to start at 0, so the time that corresponds to 0 in the original timeline would be at a negative currentTime. We will have to change this at the same time as implementing startDate, since otherwise everything will be a mess...

> > Finally, what about initialTime? It can be set to a non-zero value
> > at two points in the spec:
> >
> > "Establish the media timeline for the purposes of the current
> > playback position, the earliest possible position, and the initial
> > playback position, based on the media data."
> >
> > "If either the media resource or the address of the current media
> > resource indicate a particular start time, then set the initial
> > playback position to that time and"
> >
> > Does any format expose something like this in-band? I don't know of
> > any that do and how to implement this, so the only thing that
> > remains is exposing the start time of media fragments. This seems
> > rather useless to me, so unless someone has already implemented
> > initialTime and explain what it means, I suggest dropping it from
> > the spec.
> The address of the current media resource can indicate a particular
> start time if you implement media fragments.

Yes, but why do we need to expose that in the DOM API, what is the use

Allows controllers to trivially implement UI to jump back to where the
stream started, while still showing the full seekable range.

Unless I'm missing something, initialTime is just the initial value of currentTime, so this is already easy. Also, if media fragments are not used, just setting currentTime=0 will clamp and seek to the earliest position. However, I've never actually seen such UI for <video>, do you have a real world example? It seems to me like this is a <1% use case that is already easy to solve and that it's not worth adding an API to go from easy to trivial.

On Tue, 13 Mar 2012, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

"In the absence of an explicit timeline, the zero time on the media
timeline should correspond to the first frame of the media resource. For
static audio and video files this is generally trivial. For streaming
resources, if the user agent will be able to seek to an earlier point
than the first frame originally provided by the server, then the zero
time should correspond to the earliest seekable time of the media
resource; otherwise, it should correspond to the first frame received
from the server (the point in the media resource at which the user agent
began receiving the stream)."

There are multiple problems here, and I think it's responsible for some
of the confusion.

* What is an "explicit timeline"? For example, does an Ogg stream that
starts with a non-zero timestamp have an explicit timeline?

If there's a timestamp in the resource, then yes, it has an explicit
timeline. That seems self-evident, but if you can think of a way that I
could clarify this, I would be happy to do so.

An example of a video resource without an explicit timeline would be
a multipart/x-replace JPEG stream. There, the time between the frames is
determined by the server's transmission rate, and the data itself has no
timing information.

AFAIK, no browser supports any format for <video> that does not have timestamps. I don't think there's any practical need to say how to handle this until some implementor actually wants to do it, but if you really want to I would have been less confused if the lack of "explicit timeline" were portrayed as an exception, using something like multipart/x-replace as an example.

* Does "For streaming resources ..." apply only in the absence of an
explicit timeline, or in general? In other words, what's the scope of
"In the absence of an explicit timeline"?

I've updated the second sentence to explicitly state that it also only
applies in the absence of a timeline.

Thanks, that's much better!

* Why does the spec differentiate between static and streaming resources
at all?

If you receive the entire file, there's no complication with respect to
streaming to a point before the first rendered frame. The distinction is
not intended to be normatively detectable, it's only intended to
distinguish the easy case from the harder case. Again, if you think
there's some way I could clarify that, please let me know.

IIUC, the spec is trying to handle resources that have no timestamps, are not (known to be) finite and where "the user agent will be able to seek to an earlier point than the first frame originally provided by the server", i.e. with server-side seeking. Do such resources actually exist? I don't see how they could, because how could the server seek without some concept of timestamps?

All in all, simply demanding that all formats used have a timeline mapping seems like a good way to deal with this, for now at least.

These definitions can be tweaked/clarified in one of two ways:

1. currentTime always reflects the underlying timestamps, such that a
resource can start playing at a non-zero offset and seekable.start(0)
could be non-zero even for a fully seekable resource. This is what the
spec already says, modulo the "streaming resources" weirdness.

2. Always normalize the timeline to start at 0 and end at duration.

I think that the BBC blog post is favoring option 2, and while that's
closest to our implementation I don't feel strongly about it. A benefit
of option 1 is that currentTime=300 represents the same thing on all
clients, which should solve the syncing problem without involving any
kinds of dates.

The spec definitely intends #1 if the format supports it. I don't think #2
makes sense for many cases (e.g. broadcast TV, any case where you can
seek to before the first rendered frame), and more importantly, if you
connect to a stream and then later start discarding earlier data, you end
up in #1 even if you started in #2 so I see no benefit to going out of our
way to start in #2.

I (now) agree, and will try to align Opera with #1 when we poke at this next.

Make it pedantically clear which of the above two options is correct,
preferably with a pretty figure of a timeline with all the values
clearly marked out.

I would be happy to add such a diagram, but I have no idea how to do it,
given the bazillions of edge cases here.

If anyone wants to make such a diagram, I recommend doing it by writing
code for this tool:

...and then sending me the code. :-)

(Ideally, using little parameterised functions for any repeated bits, so
it's really easy to adjust.)

Odin, you make some diagrams, do you think any of those could be ported to a script?

Philip Jägenstedt
Core Developer
Opera Software

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