On 2012-04-20 09:15, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Currently browsers differ for what happens when the code point cannot be 
What Gecko does [?%C2%A3] makes the resulting data impossible to interpret.
What WebKit does [?%26%23163%3B] is consistent with form submission. I like it.

I do not! It makes the data impossible to recover just as Gecko does... in fact worse, because at least Gecko preserves ASCII. With the WebKit behaviour it becomes impossible to determine from an pure ASCII string '£' whether the user really typed '€' or '£' into the input field.

It has the advantage of consistency with the POST behaviour, but that behaviour is an unpleasant legacy hack which encourages a misunderstanding of HTML-escaping that promotes XSS vulns. I would not like to see it spread any further than it already has.


And Clover

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