On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 07:46:54AM +0200, Anselm Hannemann Web Development 
> The good thing on the picture element is that we have the possibility to 
> serve other image-crops and with that the meaning could change so we could 
> update the alt-attribute in the tag for every source-element. 
> I do know this is a very special case but valid: An image displayed for a 
> desktop while a monochrome display will get an drawing / shape-image instead. 
> This has the very much same meaning but a different content and has to have a 
> different description in alt-attribute IMO.
How common will it be for modern UAs to render pages to monochrome displays 
using future HTML5 graphics features? How many of the monochrome displays that 
are left will be attached to systems with modern heavy-weight software? In 
fact, the only systems I know of that come close to being monochrome are 
handhelds whose software isn't ever updated, and terminals that aren't even 
used to display bitmaps. So I have to ask, for how long will color-depth 
negotiation be a strong enough use case to warrant this feature?

> Another thing is: We do not have any graphic editor to do such things you 
> have described yet. So you have to write this on your own along with SVG 
> polyfills etc.
> This is a valid solution but won't work for the masses of developers. Please, 
> always think of the millions of HTML-developers who only want to do a normal 
> cool website using responsive images.
A significant portion of the masses will be dependent on new GUI, whichever 
solution we choose. The following CSS SVG wouldn't be created by an image 
manipulation program; it would most likely be generated by CMSs. That's 
equivalent to UAs themselves adapting images to their viewport, aside from 
bandwidth and CPU savings.

> Am 16.05.2012 um 03:23 schrieb Aldrik Dunbar:
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; viewBox="0 0 900 1135">
> >     <desc>A painting by Edvard Munch, commonly known as "the scream".</desc>
> >     <style type="text/css" ><![CDATA[
> >             svg { background-size: 100% 100%; }
> >             @media (min-width:477px) {
> >                     svg { background-image: 
> > url("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f4/The_Scream.jpg";); }
> >             }
> >             @media (max-width:476px) {
> >                     svg { background-image: 
> > url("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f4/The_Scream.jpg/476px-The_Scream.jpg";);
> >  }
> >             }
> >     ]]></style>
> > </svg>

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