On 17 May 2012 11:05, Kornel Lesiński <kor...@geekhood.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 16 May 2012 21:11:41 +0100, Matthew Wilcox <m...@matthewwilcox.com>
> wrote:
>>> What solution do you have in mind that would let you add a 'tv'
>>> breakpoint site-wide for all images that have been prepared for it, without
>>> need to
>>> update code that embeds those images? And is that really saving much
>>> effort?
>>> Wouldn't you have to revisit every page anyway to test the new layout?
>> That following link does it:
>>> [1]http://www.w3.org/community/respimg/2012/05/13/an-alternative-proposition-to-and-srcset-with-wider-scope/
> Sorry, you're right. I glanced over URI template and assumed it was for
> media="(case: breakpoint1)" in <source>.
> --
> regards, Kornel Lesiński

That particular solution is, to my mind, the most flexible and useful
implementation I've seen, because it's really about breakpoint
management and abstraction - which is what all responsive elements
need in order to work together well and be future-friendly.

It does, no doubt, have some technical considerations and implications
I'm not aware of. I would love to see this worked on more, I don't
think there's much more I can add to it from my authors perspective,
it needs work from an implementor perspective. But as a pattern, it
has a lot of plus points going for it.

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