On Wed, 16 May 2012 18:25:58 +0200, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalm...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 5:13 AM, Simon Pieters <sim...@opera.com> wrote:
The width/height descriptors in srcset seem to be difficult for people to
get right, even people who read the spec.

* It's not clear from the syntax that it refers to the viewport size rather
than the image size.
* It's not clear if it's min-width or max-width.

Absolutely agreed.  Like several others have suggested, I think we
should just go with a "min-width:100px" approach, which is much

Though that still doesn't make it clear that it refers to the viewport size rather than the image size. Or does it?

 It also lets us add "max-width", though that may complicate
the resource choosing algorithm a bit.


Does doing so solve any use cases?

On Wed, 16 May 2012 14:13:59 +0200, Simon Pieters <sim...@opera.com> wrote:

Also, since the fallback image participats as a candidate, but you cannot change its descriptors, you are not free to use any of the images as the fallback image. You might either want the narrowest image to be the fallback, or the widest image, or one in between, but the syntax doesn't allow choice, AFAICT.

To solve this problem, I propose that we allow the src URL to be specified in srcset, and when it is, don't add src as a candidate. It would be good with a keyword "inf" or "infinity" as a width descriptor in this case so you don't need to specify "1x" when you want infinity.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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