Sorry, I forgot to clarify this ― I had in mind adding width/height on each 
<source> element, not on <picture>.

regards, Kornel

On 22 maj 2012, at 16:01, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:

> On May 21, 2012, at 9:37 PM, Kornel Lesi��ski <> wrote:
>>> There’s no prior precedent this sort of thing―there’s no reason we can’t 
>>> find a way to preserve an image’s intrinsic width using `picture`. I wonder 
>>> if simply adding `width` and `height` attributes on the element (similar to 
>>> `img`) might solve this, in the event that the author wants to rely on an 
>>> intrinsic size instead of CSS?
>> I think that is a very good idea. Having option to do so is good for 
>> performance, as it avoids reflows.
> If 'width' and 'height' attributes on the <picture> element would do the same 
> thing as they do on <img>, then they would be setting the size via style, 
> rather than setting intrinsic size. Even if setting the size explicitly 
> affected intrinsic size rather than size computed via style, it would miss 
> the point of intrinsic size, which is that images get automatically the right 
> amount of space based on the image itself. Auto-sizing may not be the right 
> choice for all designs, but it is for some designs.
> - Maciej

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