2012-07-24 21:58, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 24 Jul 2012, Edward O'Connor wrote:

The spec currently disallows conformance checkers from reporting <img>
elements without alt="" attributes as an error when <meta
name=generator> is present[1].

I've adjusted the text to make it clearer that validators can report the
error in this case, just that they are discouraged from doing so.

This is an improvement, but I think Edward O'Connor's points still apply. Just saying that the page was generated by a generator has no logical relationship to the issue of alt texts.

I think it would be better to keep the alt attribute always required but recommend that conformance checkers have an option of switching off errors related to this, due to situations where automatically generated markup contains a large number of img elements without alt attributes. Such situations can be *understandable* for practical reasons, but this does not make the markup good and recommendable.

Making alt required is good policy, and making it always required keeps things simple and understandable. There are cases where documents inevitably deviate from a specification, in a manner that causes some trouble without causing serious trouble in *most* browsing situations. Therefore conformance checkers should be configurable, in issues like this.


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