On Tue, 04 Sep 2012 21:47:15 +0100, Adrian Roselli <rose...@algonquinstudios.com> wrote:

My point was more about @alt being solely for non-sighted users. I felt that starting off with that premise could lead to conclusions based on a faulty base.

Ah, sorry. Of course instead of "sighted/non-sighted" I should have said "when UAs display the image/when UAs don't display the image or expose alternative available to the screen reader"

Pedantism turned out to be useful, because when the issue is phrased this way I now see the problem: the image may be displayed and at the same time a screen reader may want to access alternative content.

This makes handling of interactive content in fallback tricky, as focus required for the screen reader (needing to activate link in <picture>) would differ from focus required for GUI users with images displayed (never focusing <picture> content).

The easy workaround for that may be to treat <picture> fallback/alt similarly to <button> content, i.e. just forbid focusable/interactive elements. Do any UAs allow users to access <a> in rendered <object>?

regards, Kornel

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