On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Mathew Marquis <m...@matmarquis.com> wrote:

> I’m not sure how exactly to prove to you that developers find the extended
> syntax unintuitive apart from continuing to point out the things that
> developers themselves have said on the topic, and I’m still not certain how
> the way it “feels” trumps the sentiments that you’ve read for yourself. I
> suppose we’ve reached an impasse.

I'm a developer, and I don't find it difficult or confusing at all.
Manipulating XML-like data with bits of information spread across elements
is definitely a pain.

Given `srcset="img2.jpg 2x 300w, img3.jpg 600w 2x"`, I can only envision a
> classList-style API returning something like one of the following:

That's simple.

// img.srcsetList[0].path == "img2.jpg"
// img.srcsetList[0].density == 2
// img.srcsetList[0].width == 300
// img.srcsetList[0].height == null
// img.srcsetList[1].path == "img3.jpg"
// img.srcsetList[1].density == 2
// img.srcsetList[1].width == 600
// img.srcsetList[1].height == null
img.srcsetList.push(new SrcSetItem({path: "img4.jpg", width: 1200}));
img.srcsetList.splice(1); // and other array operations

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp <
n...@dieweltistgarnichtso.net> wrote:

> Still, this would mean that existing DOM-like node-based data
> structures could not be used easily – even if filled through HTML5lib –
> because there would be no obvious mapping for such fractal complexity.

"Fractal complexity"?  Please don't be dramatic; this is embarrassingly

Glenn Maynard

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