
I've been searching on the web for complete documentation about
window.open and I have some unanswered questions.
1) what are the rules for popup blockers? Is every call to window.open
blocked in modern browsers or are there exceptions?

2) About the third argument, is there a somewhat interoperable overlap
in implementations or is it just an intricable mess?

3) Is what is returned a instance of Window or WindowProxy? By that I
mean that if one browsing context A opens C and B window.open C too
changing the URL (and reloading), is A supposed to have access to the
new C or only the old browsing context?

4) About step 4 of The rules for choosing a browsing context given a
browsing context name [1]:
> If the given browsing context name is not |_blank| and there exists a
> browsing context whose name
> <http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/browsers.html#browsing-context-name>
> is the same as the given browsing context name, and the current
> browsing context is allowed to navigate
> <http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/browsers.html#allowed-to-navigate>
> that browsing context, and the user agent determines that the two
> browsing contexts are related enough that it is ok if they reach each
> other,
What does "related enough" mean?
How is it implemented in different browsers?

> then that browsing context must be the chosen one. If there are
> multiple matching browsing contexts, the user agent should select one
> in some arbitrary consistent manner, such as the most recently opened,
> most recently focused, or more closely related.
What is the "consistent manner" in each implementation?



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