On 23/12/12 1:01 AM, Tobie Langel wrote:
Array-like objects which don't "inherit" from the Array object and are
thus missing methods one would expect to find on them (forEach, join,
etc.) is one of the biggest WTF of the Web platform. We should be doing
whatever it takes to fix this.

I agree that that would be confusing.

I think there is some tension between having an Array subclass so that assignments to array elements can be type checked (and so they an be "notice" by the owning object) and being able to assign a new Array object.

For example it seems reasonable to be able to do:

  ctx.dashList = [5, 10];

but then after this assignment is dashList a NumberArray (or whatever we would call the subclass), and thus not the same object that you assigned?

  var a = [5, 10];
  ctx.dashList = a;

If the Array object were converted into a NumberArray, then the a.push() call wouldn't affect the dashList.

If we don't have the type checking of array elements, and also don't need any noticing of individual element assignments, then we can just have a reference to a plain Array object and look at its elements at the time the dash array is needed. That could preserve the author expectation that after assigning a new Array object to the property you would get the same object back when getting the property.

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