On 1/3/13 12:10 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jan 2013, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 1/2/13 4:37 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
Wait, Web Components isn't solving this? I thought this was one of the
main use cases of Web Components.

[...] and it is certainly not doing:

4)  Defining the browser-defined "custom" widgets using the
     capabilities of #2 such that authors can in fact style them.

Why not? This seems like a pretty core feature. Without being able to do
this, how can anyone reliably extend an existing widget, for example?

First of all, I'm not actively working on Web Components, so I can't tell you why it is or is not doing something.

Second, I suspect that the browser-defined widgets can end up with somewhat different per-platform implementations. And different per-browser behavior and so forth. So speccing them might end up being pretty nontrivial, and right now Web Components have bigger fish to fry (like allowing authors to define widgets).

Long-term this is probably in the goals, but we're talking years.


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