Everywhere on the web where NodeList.forEach() is mentioned, everybody agrees that's something that is expected to work, but doesn't. It's followed by a list of excuses why it doesn't work, as if it was a completely intractable problem that nobody can ever fix in any way whatsoever.

Can we please switch efforts from explaining why it's broken to actually fixing it?

It's sad that I can't use document.querySelector().filter().map().forEach() without patching prototypes myself. ES6 Array.from(), even with syntactic sugar, is a band-aid. NodeList.forEach() still doesn't work, but should.

I don't think anybody cares for NodeList.forEach/map/filter/etc to be "real" Array functions, so I'd love to see even a simplest fix like:

NodeList.prototype.map = function(...whatever) {
        return Array.from(this).map(...whatever);

NodeList.prototype.forEach = function(...whatever) {
        return Array.from(this).forEach(...whatever);


regards, Kornel Lesiński

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