On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

> > > What happens if the keyboard focus and the AT focus get so far from
> each
> > other that we can't render both at the same time? Which should we be
> > > rendering?
> > >
> > > How do native apps handle these cases?
> This example actually adds more questions:
> How do we handle the multiple focus case? (There's focus in the crossword
> and in the clue list at the same time.)

I don't think multiple things are focused at once. Rather, certain
composite controls have a notion of which cell is "active", that becomes
the focused cell when you focus it. If you have a <select multiple> control
on your page, you can tell which items are selected even when it isn't
focused, and I think this is the same thing.

> Do we expose the way each cell can be focused in two different directions?

I don't see how that would translate into an accessibility API, even in a
native app. I think the author would have to semantically convey that via
some other means.

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