> This, along with Ilya's proposed <link rel="preload"> ( > https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/document/d/1HeTVglnZHD_mGSaID1gUZPqLAa1lXWObV-Zkx6q_HF4/edit#heading=h.x6lyw2ttub69), > and JavaScript modules ( > https://github.com/dherman/web-modules/blob/master/module-tag/explainer.md) > gives us everything we need for sane & versitile dependency loading.
Is <link rel=preload> going to fire this "loaded" event after it finishes pre-loading but BEFORE it executes (or, rather, BEFORE because it doesn't execute them at all)? Because for <script>, the "load" event fires only after it has loaded AND executed, which is of course "too late" for many of the more advanced use-cases below. If you want to dynamically *preload* scripts (that is, you don't have <link rel=preload> tags in your initial page markup) later on in the lifetime of the page, is the story basically like this? function preloadScript(src) { var l = document.createElement("link"); l.rel = "preload"; l.href = src; document.head.appendChild(l); return l.loaded(); } function execScript(l) { var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = l.href; document.head.appendChild(s); return s.loaded(); } Promise.all( preloadScript("a.js"), preloadScript("b.js"), preloadScript("c.js") ) .then(function(links){ return Promise.all.apply(null,links.map(execScript)); }) .then(function(){ alert("All scripts loaded and executed"); }); So, if that's how we think this would work, we need to understand how the `execScript(..)` logic is going to be treated. Is creating a <script> element dynamically and inserting it going to make sure that it either: a. executes sync b. executes async, but "a.js" will *definitely* execute before "b.js", which will *definitely* execute before "c.js". In other words, is there any possibility that it won't execute in order "a" -> "b" -> "c" in the above code? If so, do/don't we have to be more complex, like? Promise.all( preloadScript("a.js"), preloadScript("b.js"), preloadScript("c.js") ) .then(function(links){ var chain; links = links.forEach(function(link){ if (!chain) chain = execScript(link); else chain = chain.then(function(){ return execScript(link); }); }); return chain; }) .then(function(){ alert("All scripts loaded and executed"); }); --Kyle