On 15 March 2014 15:51, Kyle Simpson <get...@gmail.com> wrote: > But there was … suggestions about markup-only mechanisms for handling … > the use-cases in a way that … eliminate any need for script loaders. >
Yep, markup is important for preparsers. <module>/<script type="module"> & ES6 modules give us a solution for the future. > If we are … ready to set that requirement aside, and admit that markup > capabilities (<link rel=preload> and <script>) are for the straight linear > a->b->c use-cases > They're not. <link rel=preload> is for preloading assets, <script> is for loading & executing. If you mix promises in you can load & execute in whatever order you want, linear or not. > and that the more sophisticated use-cases … require logic that belongs in > some form of "script loader" > Yep, ES6 have a handle on that, with markup & code. For legacy non-module content, you can do what you want with preloading and promises.