Dunno if you still wanted answers to these questions, but in order to not
leave you hanging here are my best attempts:

> On Tue, 4 Mar 2014, Evan Stade wrote:
> >
> > "dependent-locality" and "locality" have a fairly precise meaning in the
> > UK. Also in a natural-language conversation, if you ask me what "region"
> > of the country I live in, I'd say "New England", "the Midwest", or some
> > such; certainly not the state where I reside. The descriptions for these
> > tokens are currently pretty specific, for example they say a city would
> > be a locality. But this is not true for Beijing or some other cities. To
> > fix the descriptions, we'd have to change them to something like
> > "region: the highest level administrative region below country in the
> > address" and "locality: the second-highest level administrative region
> > below country in the address", "sub-locality: the third-highest level
> > administrative region [...]".
> With you so far.
> > At this point, one wonders why the tokens aren't just [something]1,
> > [something]2, etc.
> I don't understand how you get there. Why would you wonder this?

Because if the long, more descriptive copy is "first highest," "second
highest," etc., it follows that the concise description (i.e. the type
name) match that.

> > > > > > > > >    "address-line1" |
> > > > > > > > >    "address-line2" |- "street-address"
> > > > > > > > >    "address-line3" |
> > > > > > > > >    "locality"
> > > > > > > > >    "subsubregion"
> > > > > > > > >    "subregion"
> > > > > > > > >    "region"
> > > > > > > > >    "country-name"
> > >
> > > I don't understand why you think authors will think they need to
> > > include "subregion", but won't think they need to include
> > > "address-level3".
> >
> > I think they'll assume subregion returns something for the US if it's
> > sandwiched between "region" and "locality", because county is in between
> > state and city. But in reality, subregion will return nothing.
> But why does this not apply to the numeric version?

Because address-level1 is state and address-level2 is city, so there's no
implication of something in between them.

> > > > Why is that better than 1=region, 2=locality, except to a US-centric
> > > > viewpoint? This would lead to a weird situation where (a) you
> > > > couldn't expand past 4 levels without changing the meaning of
> > > > previous levels and (b) a country such as the US would have
> > > > address-level4 and address-level3 but no address-level2 or
> > > > address-level1.
> > >
> > > Well, at least as far as (a) goes, we have no way to know where
> > > governments are going to introduce new levels. Who's to say that the
> > > US won't introduce something between states and towns? This problem
> > > exists whatever we do. Maybe the US and the EU will merge and there'll
> > > be a new field between "country-name" and "region". Who knows.
> >
> > One can dream...
> >
> > You're right that changing political circumstances might put us in an
> > awkward situation no matter what we do. But it seems to me the most
> > likely scenario is that a government would add more administrative
> > levels at the most granular level.
> Why? It seems just as likely that we'll add levels between "country" and
> "region". For instance, the example above.

Or, in a few years, when there
> are parts of countries in space, maybe there'll be a planetoid name
> between the country and the region. Or maybe that will go on the other
> side of the country.

> I think trying to guess how things will be extended is a fool's errand.
> If we use numbers, we paint ourselves into a corner with extensions
> anywhere but at the deepest level.

Well what do we do with words? Add "subsubsubregion" or
"moderately-big-area" in between two existing words?

If a country experiences political turmoil and changes the number of types
of administrative divisions it has, I guess it's reasonable to redefine
"level4" to the former "level3", and add a new "level5" which is the former

> I've filed a bug on this topic; if I can get agreement from other vendors,
> then I'll go ahead and spec this:
>    https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25235


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