On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Adam Barth <w...@adambarth.com> wrote:
>> XMLHttpRequest isn't particularly cleanly layered.  It's sounds like
>> you're not overly concerned about layering, which is probably fine.
> I think I see what you mean. If you wanted to implement this in terms
> of JavaScript then indeed you would end up importing several modules
> other than the fetch module to implement these methods. E.g. encoding,
> for asText, filesystem and MIME for asBlob, and encoding and JSON for
> asJSON. For asHTML you'd need encoding and HTML.

Yes, exactly.  However, the sadness comes when the HTML module ends up
depending on the fetch module because that creates a circular
dependency.  You then need to merge them into one module, which will
quickly become the "everything" module.

> This seems fine to me.

This discussion is about theoretical purity, which is pretty far down
the list things we should care about.

> However, I could see it instead has to go the other way around.
> Instead of having a bunch of methods on stream to convert it into
> various other pieces. Other pieces could have ways of dealing with
> streams. That might make coding a bit more awkward though.

It might be instructive to think about how the Node community would
structure these APIs.  Node has a much stronger notion of modules and
dependencies than browsers because Node uses npm.  As Node developer,
I would be sad if my networking module dragged in an entire HTML


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