On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Rik Cabanier <caban...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Add a new event renderedsizechange to HTMLCanvasElement. This event does
> not bubble and is not cancelable. Whenever the value that would be returned
> by renderedPixelWidth orrenderedPixelHeight changes, queue a task to fire
> renderedsizechange at the HTMLCanvasElement if there is not already a task
> pending to fire such an event at that element.
> - If there's a transition or animation that affects the canvas element,
> should it receive resize events at 60fps?

UA dependent. In practice I would change the renderedPixelWidth/Height
properties whenever Gecko rerasterizes the surrounding CSS content with a
new resolution.

> - will CSS 3D transforms affect the rendered canvas size? If so, what would
> the optimal resolution be if there's a rotation

UA dependent. Again, I would change the renderedPixelWidth/Height
properties whenever Gecko rerasterizes the surrounding CSS content with a
new resolution, based on that resolution.

> - what happens if the canvas element is not in the document? Will it just
> return the pixel width/height?

UA dependent. I'd probably just leave it unchanged while it's not in the
document (and assume 1 CSS pixel per device pixel if it's never been in a
document with a screen presentation).

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