From: <> on behalf of Anne 
van Kesteren <>

> I expect the common usage scenario to be the page sending such data to a 
> service worker. Note that we have to care about the server side now we have 
> this proxy.

That is a great point. My uneasiness has been dispelled. From this perspective, 
you are conceptually just reconstituting the data in its original form, not 
parsing it. And servers manipulate form data all the time.

What about asURLSearchParams()? It seems qualitatively different, because if a 
form sends form data in a body, then parsing it as form data makes sense. But 
asURLSearchParams() seems like it is instead parsing a form-data body as a 
query string representation, which was not its original format. Servers 
manipulate query strings all the time too, but they usually don't manipulate 
request bodies as if they were query strings.

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