Should the lock automatically be released if the user switches to a
different tab or somehow makes the content unviewable? Should the web
content know about this, or should it just silently think the lock is still
being held? This might affect the timeout situation. It would be strange to
be unable to lock or suspend due to some random map embedded in a Yelp page
somewhere taking a lock.

What about for cases like laptops where the user can force a suspend, like
closing the lid? If the system is configured to lock or suspend the
machine, should this prevent it? Are there any tasks like instant messaging
where users might want to have it inhibit suspend, and the user can still
be notified of it because the system might make a sound? Should the web
content be aware of this as well?

I'm at least happy that the web doesn't have the "burning a CD" task that
we had to deal with with our desktop. :) That was a messy set of edge cases
to deal with.

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:

> ## Use cases
> A website wants the prevent a device from entering a power-saving state to
> allow a user to complete a task where it's not practical for the user to
> touch the screen (e.g., a maps application while driving, a VR headset like
> Cardboard).
> A website needs to be able to complete a task, but without requiring the
> user to keep the screen on (e.g., importing and processing a bunch of
> contacts). Having a wake lock on the "system" would allow the user to turn
> off the screen, while allowing a webpage (or worker) to continue processing
> some data in the background.
> A complete list of use and abuse cases can be found at [1].
> ## Workarounds
> There is some evidence that "…Developers are resorting to hacks like
> playing hidden videos to prevent the screen from sleeping." [2]
> ## Why now?
> There are lots of applications on the Web that would benefit from this
> feature. E.g., maps, games, cooking websites, ebooks, and sites that stream
> non-video content in real time (e.g., sports scores). Also, both Google and
> Mozilla are looking into VR, and they will likely need this (see [2]). See
> [1] for list of applications that rely on this feature in other platforms.
> Other platforms that already support this kind of feature: iOS, Android,
> Firefox OS, Windows mobile, and Tizen.
> # Proposal:
> ```
> partial interface Navigator {
>    attribute WakeLock wakeLock;
> }
> interface WakeLock{
>    promise request(WakeLockType type);
>    void release(WakeLockType type);
> }
> enum WakeLockType{ "system", "display" }
> ```
> ## Example
> //lock display when the recipe is showing:
> $( "#recipe" ).on( "show", function(){
>    navigator.wakeLock.request("display").then(haveFun, boo)
> } );
> //release lock:
> $( "#recipe" ).on( "hide", function(){
>    navigator.wakeLock.release("display")
> } );
> ## Optional enhancements
> ### Timeouts
> We are thinking of adding a dictionary to hint at the system the amount of
> time it should hold the lock for (in ms). So, then the developer can
> express holding the lock for 5 minutes (e.g., ebook case, instead of having
> to bind a whole bunch of listeners and constantly having to request the
> wake lock). This would allow the UA to add whatever time the developer
> requested to its normal wake lock timer + additional time the developer
> might want. If the timeout is less than the default timeout, it can just be
> ignored.
> ```
> dictionary WakeLockOptions{
>   unsigned long timeout;
> }
> ```
> For example:
> ```
> //I only need this for ~5 mins here.
> var options = {timeout: 1000 * 60 * 5};
> navigator.wakeLock.request("display", options);
> ```
> ### Events
> It might be necessary for applications to be notified, via an event, if
> they've lost a lock after one was granted to it.
> ### Check if lock is already set
> It might be useful to also have a way of checking if a lock is already
> set:
> ``
> readonly attribute WakeLockType? lockType
> ```
> Appreciate any feedback on the design and help with the security model.
> [1]
> [2]


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