On 7/24/14, 2:10 AM, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
I’m afraid the fix does not work.

Sure it does.

Testing the jsfiddle code there,
in the newest Firefox (31.0, on Win 7)

The "newest Firefox" you should be testing in for everything except "what do shipping UAs do in this legacy situation?" is the one you get from <http://nightly.mozilla.org>, just like you should be testing WebKit nightlies and Chrome canary (or dev, worst-case) builds.

Firefox 31 is based on code that was feature-frozen 3 months ago, so if something is fixed "a few months ago" chances are it's not in 31. This particular fix is in Firefox 32.

Are there any use cases for tabindex values greater than 32767?

We've seen use cases for forms with that many form controls (large forms parts of which get conditionally shown/hiden based on values filled in for some of the controls), so I would think so, yes.


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