On 08/24/2014 09:53 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Olli Pettay <o...@pettay.fi> wrote:
in order to prevent whatever default action Notification's click event has
(for example focus the tab which initiated the Notification), the click
should be cancelable so that .preventDefault() can be called.
Some background
Given that a single notification can be represented by many
Notification objects, what kind of semantics are you expecting? A
single listener setting the canceled flag causing any action to not be
Given the very odd Notification API, where the same user input may end up being
represented by several click events in the browser...
(I think we need to change that somehow, if possible)
...cancelling any of the events should cancel the default action.