Would suffice for priority.


On Aug 29, 2014, at 9:59 AM, wrote:

> We need to bite the bullet and add a priority attribute and an expected-size 
> attribute. 
> Priority: 
> The web server will often have information that allows it to know better than 
> the UA about the priority of objects. Basing this on type is not super useful 
> when we have only a few types and we have lots of objects. The UA can ignore 
> it but a priority field allows the web server to give the UA as much 
> information as it has about how to download the objects to optimize load 
> time. Why not just make it like probability and allow the web server to 
> specify a value between 0.0 and 1.0, which 1.0 being a top priority object?
> Expected-size: 
> I’ve argued this previously 
> ( and Ilya agrees its a 
> nice to have. Along with the probability attribute that is in Ilya’s latest 
> draft, this provides a simple way to threshold which objects to prefetch at 
> the UA. 
> Sorry to re-raise expected-size but I think it’s relevant again in the 
> context of priority. A small device or a UA on a bandwidth challenged link 
> could use a simple scheme such as only preload resources above priority X 
> with a smaller than a certain probability*expected-size when expected-size is 
> available. Regardless the details of the logic, the UA needs all three fields 
> (probability, priority, and expected-size) to make a good decision. We know 
> this from 15 years experience doing prefetching in the network for satellite.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> On Aug 28, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Yoav Weiss <> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 2:44 AM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> On Wed, 4 Sep 2013, William Chan (陈智昌) wrote:
>>>> * Given current browser heuristics for resource prioritization based on
>>>> resource type, all <script> resources will have the same priority.
>>>> Within HTTP/1.X, that means you'll get some amount of parallelization
>>>> based on the connection per host limit and what origins the script
>>>> resources are hosted, and then get FIFO. New additions like lazyload
>>>> attributes (and perhaps leveraging the defer attribute) may affect this.
>>>> With HTTP/2, there is a very high (effectively infinite) parallelization
>>>> limit. With prioritization, there's no contention across priority
>>>> levels. But since script resources today generally all have the same
>>>> priority, they will all contend and most naive servers are going to
>>>> round robin the response bytes, which is the worst thing you could do
>>>> with script resources, since current JS VMs do not incrementally process
>>>> script resources, but process them as a whole. So round-robining all the
>>>> response bytes will just push out start time of JS processing for all
>>>> scripts, which is rather terrible.
>>> I'm not sure what to do about this exactly.
>> Wouldn't that be something that is best handled as part of HTTP? e.g.
>> sending a flag with the request indicating whether the resource can be
>> progressively decoded or not?
>>>> * Obviously, given what I've said above, some level of hinting of
>>>> prioritization/dependency amongst scripts/resources within the web
>>>> platform would be useful to the networking layer since the networking
>>>> layer can much more effectively prioritize resources and thus mitigate
>>>> network contention. If finer grained priority/dependency information
>>>> isn't provided in the web platform, my browser's networking stack is
>>>> likely going to have to, even with HTTP/2, do HTTP/1.X style contention
>>>> mitigation by restricting parallelization within a priority level. Which
>>>> is a shame since web developers probably think that with HTTP/2, they
>>>> can have as many fine grained resources as they want.
>>> It's hard to come up with a super fine-grained model that works well with
>>> multiple competing scripts, but we can do better than what we have now,
>>> certainly. It seems we can at least split things into the following
>>> categories, in order of highest priority to lowest:
>>>   1. resources that are needed and are causing something to block
>>>       e.g. <script src="foo.js"></script>
>>>   2. resources that are needed and are neither blocking anything nor
>>>      explicitly deferred
>>>       e.g. <img src="foo.png" ...>
>>>   3. resources that are needed but are deferred
>>>       e.g. <script src="foo.js defer></script>
>>>   4. resources that the browser wants
>>>       e.g. <link rel=icon>, <html manifest>
>>>   5. resources that are not yet needed but which the author wants
>>>      precached when possible, and which have not been marked deferred
>>>       e.g. <link rel=subresource href=...>
>>>   6. other resources
>>> Is that fine-grained enough?
>> Wouldn't the "needs" attribute enable the browser to create a dependency
>> tree that would allow for finer grained priorities?
>> e.g.
>> 1. Needed resources with no dependencies, that block initial render
>> 2. Needed resources that blocking resources need (e.g. the jquery script in
>> <script src="foo.js" needs="jquery"></script> (We can have multiple levels
>> of priorities here, if the dependency tree is high)
>> 3. Needed blocking resources
>> 4. Needed non-blocking resources
>> etc.
>> If I understand correctly that would provide the fine-grained priorities
>> that Will is after and that will enable the network layer to be smarter
>> about which resource is needed next.
>> [snip]
>>> Pulling all of the above together, here's the tentative proposal:
>>> These "loadable" elements:
>>>   <script>, <link>, <style>, <video>, <img>, <object>, <iframe>, <audio>
>>> ...get the following new attributes:
>>>   needs=""            Gives a list of IDs of other elements that this one
>>>                       needs, known as The Dependencies. Each dependency
>>>                       is added to this element's [[Dependencies]] in the
>>>                       ES6 loader.
>>>   load-policy=""      The load policy. Consists of a space-separated
>>>                       set of keywords, of which one may be from the
>>>                       following list: block, async, optimistic,
>>>                       when-needed, late-run, declare. The other
>>>                       allowed keywords are precache, low-priority,
>>>                       and force. (Maybe we disallow "block" and
>>>                       "force" since they're for legacy only.)
>>>                       Different elements have different defaults.
>>>                       "precache" isn't allowed if the keywords
>>>                       "block" or "async" are specified, since those
>>>                       always load immediately.
>> Can you perhaps expand on what each of these would mean?
>> [snip]
>>>> [Use-case P:] download dynamic page components (e.g. maps) only on
>>>> larger devices.
>>> Long term, we could add a media="" attribute to <script> to make this
>>> easier. Short term, you can do it with scripts by checking the width of
>>> the device and calling load() on the script if you want it.
>> Wouldn't that still download the resource, and just avoid the
>> parsing/execution part?
>> I think we agree regarding the long term solution here. I'm fine with the
>> short term one being "use a script loader for this case".
>>> If you're a browser vendor who wants to implement <script media>, please
>>> comment on this bug:
>> I'm interested in discussing how would <script media> work. I'll continue
>> that discussion in the bug.

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